Canon has unveiled the EOS 500D (Digital Rebel T1i), the latest addition to its compact DSLR series. The upper-entry-level camera features a 15.1 MP APS-C CMOS sensor with 1080p HD video recording at 20fps. It also offers a 3.0 inch LCD with 920,000 dot resolution and an ISO sensitivity range expandable up to 12800 equivalent. It includes a faster Digic 4 processor offering better noise reduction at higher ISO's and continuous shooting speeds of up to 3.4 fps delivering 170 large JPEG images in a single burst.
Along with the boost in megapixels and Canon's most advanced imaging processor to-date, this latest Canon Rebel camera has also been enhanced with HD video capture, a 3.0-inch Clear View LCD (920,000 dots / VGA) monitor and user-friendly functions such as Auto Lighting Optimizer, Creative Auto Mode and Canon's Live View modes, all the right tools to open new doors for imaging enthusiasts. From high-resolution to high-definition, the new Canon EOS T1i Digital SLR camera helps to give creative consumers a jumpstart on the next evolution in digital imaging.
Movie mode comes to the Rebel T1i with quite similar capabilities to the Canon 5D Mark II, though it's highest complete HD resolution is 720p at 30fps. It can capture 1080p videos, but only at 20fps, which isn't technically fully up to spec. Standard 640x480 movies are also available at 30fps. You can manually focus or autofocus via contrast detect by pressing the Canon T1i's rear AE/AF-Lock button.
The Canon Rebel T1i accepts EF and EF-S lenses, and uses SD/SDHC cards, including Eye-Fi wireless cards. The battery is the same as the XSi, and it uses the same battery grip.
Also introduced at the same time is the very small Speedlite 270EX, a new flash that is easy to pocket and gives cameras like the Rebel T1i and the PowerShot G10 an accessory flash that won't threaten to flip these lightweight cameras over. The flash head zooms manually from 28mm to 50mm coverage, and flips up to 90 degrees. Like other EX Speedlites, the 270EX transmits color temperature information to the camera. Power comes from two AA batteries.
Along with the boost in megapixels and Canon's most advanced imaging processor to-date, this latest Canon Rebel camera has also been enhanced with HD video capture, a 3.0-inch Clear View LCD (920,000 dots / VGA) monitor and user-friendly functions such as Auto Lighting Optimizer, Creative Auto Mode and Canon's Live View modes, all the right tools to open new doors for imaging enthusiasts. From high-resolution to high-definition, the new Canon EOS T1i Digital SLR camera helps to give creative consumers a jumpstart on the next evolution in digital imaging.
Movie mode comes to the Rebel T1i with quite similar capabilities to the Canon 5D Mark II, though it's highest complete HD resolution is 720p at 30fps. It can capture 1080p videos, but only at 20fps, which isn't technically fully up to spec. Standard 640x480 movies are also available at 30fps. You can manually focus or autofocus via contrast detect by pressing the Canon T1i's rear AE/AF-Lock button.
The Canon Rebel T1i accepts EF and EF-S lenses, and uses SD/SDHC cards, including Eye-Fi wireless cards. The battery is the same as the XSi, and it uses the same battery grip.
Also introduced at the same time is the very small Speedlite 270EX, a new flash that is easy to pocket and gives cameras like the Rebel T1i and the PowerShot G10 an accessory flash that won't threaten to flip these lightweight cameras over. The flash head zooms manually from 28mm to 50mm coverage, and flips up to 90 degrees. Like other EX Speedlites, the 270EX transmits color temperature information to the camera. Power comes from two AA batteries.
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