Sunday, September 20, 2009

Why Everybody Is Scrambling To Get The Star Wars Trilogy DVD

By Shawn C Flynn

As I'm sure most people will agree, the Star Wars trilogy DVD is a title which practically everyone in the world has heard of at some point in their lives. In fact, I think it's safe to assume that no matter how old you are, you've more than likely watched a few episodes yourself. I for one don't for a minute believe that the Star Wars saga will ever be gotten completely. While it may be impossible to pinpoint the exact reason as to why the Star Wars trilogy is so appealing, so many of the classic episodes are simply irresistible, which is why we often find ourselves sitting down to watch them again. This is why any Star Wars fan should make sure they have not only in the Star Wars prequel trilogy, but also the Star Wars original trilogy which of course comes with bonus discs.

The characters and the classic episodes draw us back time and time again, regardless of how many times we may have already seen it, which is why getting a hold of both the Star War prequel trilogy and Star Wars original trilogy, with the bonus discs, is a must have.

There is simply no denying the fact that the Star Wars series has well and truly earned its place in the Hollywood Hall of Fame. After all, the Star Wars series has been nominated for an academy award no less than 22 times. Impressively enough, it has gone on to take seven awards, most of them going to Episode IV: New Hope. Considering how many awards the series has won, and how many times it's been nominated, it's only fair to say that no other movie series has ever come close. The bottom line is; the Star Wars trilogy DVD is a perfect example of a movies series which is clearly a cut above the rest.

The Star Wars trilogy DVD has never been easier, or more affordable to get a hold of, for fans of both of the original triology and prequel these box set are great to have and make the perfect addition to your DVD collection. It is within The Star Wars box sets that you will be able to relive your favorite episodes and once again enjoy the situations that the characters find themselves facing. For example does anyone remember the time when the usually likeable and charming Hans Solo revealed his dark side by taking down Greedo? Thought so, from episode VI: A New Hope, where Hans Solo shots Greedo unexpectedly, then goes on the save the day in the end of the film... There have been that many moments that have truly shaped Star Wars and, like me, I'm sure you all have your favorites.

The Star Wars trilogy DVD, as well as the prequel are classic movies that will be around forever, whether on television, for rent at local movie stores, or online. It's a story that started well before its time, and has become more popular to children and adults alike. Just go to a convention and you'll find adults that are 50-60 years old still enjoying the Star Wars saga, and even families bringing their babies.

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