Monday, August 3, 2009

What We Know About Texas Holdem Poker Table Felt

By Brian Garvin

Have you ever been to a church festival? We hold those all the time, but not for the same reason as most of the other places. While our congregation holds various charity events throughout the year, we like to hold them for specific families who are in need and attend our church. This year we needed to find some sort of Texas Holdem Poker Table Felt.

We absolutely love holding these events because there are so many people who are willing to help out. This time around we needed a bunch of poker tables to host a little Texas Holdem' tourney. Once we were done barter and trading with all the other charities around the area, we ended up with ten new poker tables. Well, they weren't actually new (more like old and beat up), but we did have a bunch of volunteers to scrape, rebuild, and paint them. All we needed was the supplies, and my job was to find new Texas Holdem Poker Table Felt.

This may sound like an easy task, but in all actuality it was quite difficult. It would have been nice to just go out and buy something, but we're on a budget, so I could go crazy. Instead, I spent hours upon hours trying to find the best option for us. Needless to say I had to take a couple deep breaths here and there.

While I could tell you a long story about how I searched for 18 hours straight, it would put you to sleep in a heartbeat. So long story short, I came across the best option around three in the morning and was able to get enough felt for every single table. The reason I picked this particular Texas Holdem Poker Table Felt was due to the color, the durability, the fantastic and authentic betting lines, as well as the price.

More importantly, we needed an additional benefit. Even though we had 10 tables donated to us, we had those old styled folding tables for extra play. However, we wanted to be able to put felt on these as well, even though most places didn't offer a setup for this type of assembly. Let's just say the tables were from the stone age, and we didn't expect to find a plausible answer.

However, the Texas Holdem Poker Table Felt was set up with a 36 x 72 inch cut, which allowed us to staple these onto the folding tables without it looking cheap. Granted we had a carpenter that knew how to do it professionally, so the end result was definitely a positive one. Honestly, it looked as though we purchased brand new tables when it was all said and done.

The event itself was an absolute treat, and a complete success. We raised enough money to get a new home, get them health insurance, and set them up with food for an entire year. It's one of the most gratifying moments in my life, and that of many others who contributed. In the end, we couldn't have done it without the help of the Texas Holdem Poker Table Felt for each table.

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